    Webhook para DevOps

    Webhook DevOps

    Método: POST
    Url: /webhooks/99003/devops
    Descripción: Notifica el cambio de un caso en DevOps


    Nombre Descripción
    X-Authorization Token JWT de autorización.
    Debe tener el formato: Bearer token


    	"subscriptionId": "",
    	"notificationId": 0,
    	"id": "",
    	"eventType": "",
    	"publisherId": "",
    	"message": {
    		"text": "",
    		"html": "",
    		"markdown": ""
    	"detailedMessage": {
    		"text": "",
    		"html": "",
    		"markdown": ""
    	"resource": {
    		"id": 0,
    		"workItemId": 0,
    		"rev": 0,
    		"revisedBy": {
    			"id": "",
    			"name": "",
    			"displayName": "",
    			"url": "",
    			"_links": {
    				"avatar": {
    					"href": ""
    			"uniqueName": "",
    			"imageUrl": "",
    			"descriptor": ""
    		"revisedDate": "",
    		"relations": {
    			"added": [
    					"rel": "",
    					"url": "",
    					"attributes": {
    						"isLocked": false,
    						"name": ""
    		"_links": {
    			"self": {
    				"href": ""
    			"workItemUpdates": {
    				"href": ""
    			"parent": {
    				"href": ""
    			"html": {
    				"href": ""
    		"url": "",
    		"revision": {
    			"id": 0,
    			"rev": 0,
    			"fields": {},
    			"relations": [],
    			"commentVersionRef": {
    				"commentId": 0,
    				"version": 0,
    				"url": ""
    			"_links": {
    				"self": {
    					"href": ""
    				"workItemRevisions": {
    					"href": ""
    				"parent": {
    					"href": ""
    			"url": ""
    	"resourceVersion": "",
    	"resourceContainers": {
    		"collection": {
    			"id": "",
    			"baseUrl": ""
    		"account": {
    			"id": "",
    			"baseUrl": ""
    		"project": {
    			"id": "",
    			"baseUrl": ""
    	"createdDate": ""



    Códigos de error

    Código Descripción
    AIC90003_0001 Authorization has been denied
    AIC90003_0002 Field ‘{0}’ required
    AIC90003_0003 Field ‘{0}’ allows ‘{1}’, replace {2}
    AIC90003_0004 ‘{0}’, not referenced
    AIC90003_0005 InvalidAppName
    AIC90003_0006 The model ‘{0}’ does not exist
    AIC90003_0007 The model ‘{0}’ is already assigned
    AIC90003_0008 The ItemType’{0}’ is already assigned
    AIC90003_0009 The value ‘{0}’ in ‘{1}’ is already assigned
    AIC90003_0010 An error occurred while updating information in ASMS
    AIC90003_0011 Type invalid ‘{0}’
    AIC90003_00112 Field ‘{0}’ not found
    AIC90003_00113 Criticality ‘{0}’ not assigned for ‘{1}’
    AIC90003_00114 The registered configuration does not allow creating tickets in DevOps
    AIC90003_22 Project ‘{0}’ and services ‘{1}’ are duplicates
    AIC90003_23 Duplicate devops project ‘{0}’
    AIC90003_24 Duplicate ASMS category ‘{0}’
    AIC90003_25 Item Type ‘{0}’ duplicates
    AIC90003_26 WorkItemType ‘{0}’ duplicates
    AIC90003_27 No reference ‘{0}’ found for the ItemType property
    AIC90003_28 No reference ‘{0}’ found for the Case property
    AIC90003_29 Duplicate reference ‘{0}’ in ‘case’
    AIC90003_30 Reference ‘{0}’ is required in ‘{1}’
    AIC90003_33 Criticaly ‘{0}’ has already been assigned
    AIC90003_34 Reference duplicate in mapper ‘{0}’
    AIC90003_35 Configuration empty
    AIC90003_36 Duplicate ‘model’ ‘{0}’
    AIC90003_37 ‘{0}’ property on ‘{1}’ is required
    AIC90003_38 Value ‘{0}’ in additional field has already been assigned
    AIC90003_39 Additional Field ‘{0}’ has already been assigned
    AIC90003_40 State ‘{0}’ has already been assigned
    AIC90003_41 Field definition ‘{0}’ requires data matching, add property ‘{0}’
    AIC90003_42 Field ‘{0}’ required, definition ‘{1}’
    AIC90003_43 Value ‘{0}’ in ‘{1}’ has already been assigned
    AIC90003_44 Property ‘{0}’ has already been assigned
    AIC90003_45 Buggy schema
    AIC90003_46 The field ‘{0}’ does not support this value ‘{1}’
    AIC90003_47 An error occurred while updating information in DevOps
    AIC90003_48 An error occurred while updating information in ASMS
    AIC90003_9999 Unknown error

    Configuración webhook DevOps



    Para configurar el webhook en DevOps, entrar a project settings, seleccione la opción de service hooks y cree un nuevo service hook con la url de configuración como se muestra en la siguiente imagen: